"Only the brave should teach. Only those who love the young should teach. Teaching is vocation. It is as sacred as priesthood, as innate a desire, as inescapable as the genius which compels a great artist. If he has not the concern for humanity, the love of living creatures, the vision of the priest and the artist, he must not teach." ~Pearl S. Buck
I would like to shake her hand and have coffee with this woman. She was one who not only took her own education seriously, but did everything in her power to help others succeed. She had a deep love and passion for China, since she spent the majority of her life growing up and living there. She believed that everyone, no matter their lot in life, deserved a chance at success. Pearl knew the value of human life. She worked throughout her life to make others aware of it, too. I just discovered a new hero today. I wonder what she would say to that...?

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