Abstinence centered education goes beyond teaching teens the physical aspect of human sexuality. Accurate abstinence centered education teaches teens the healthy way to have relationships by teaching them about the human sex drive, what it is all about, and how it can be managed in a healthy and positive way, without having sex.
Most teens know when adults have low-expectations of them. Why set the bar so low for teens by telling them that adults don’t believe that they have self-control and self-respect? By telling teens that their only logical choice for maintaining “healthy sexuality” is to “protect themselves” with contraceptives, adults are actually telling them, “We don’t trust that you can make healthy decisions for yourself.”
Practicing abstinence doesn’t mean that the human sex drive goes away. Practicing abstinence allows teens to have relationships that are built on trust, self-control, respect, and responsibility. Abstinence is the only 100% effective way to avoid unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases. It is also an excellent way to avoid confusing love and lust for teens who are new to falling in love and the emotions they experience.
When it comes to alcohol, drugs, violence, tobacco and all other high risk behaviors we ask teens to say no, why would we even hesitate to take the same approach with sex? It is a fantasy to believe that we can give teens contraceptives and expect them to remain “protected” until they are mature enough to commit to a long-term relationship. The rates of sexually transmitted diseases are extremely high in teens in the US. Giving teens the facts and allowing them to make informed decisions by giving them the information and tools to maintain healthy relationships without having sex is the only fair way to go about promoting health and happiness in their lives.
I know that teaching teens the truth about sex through abstinence centered education does, in fact, do that, because I was one of those teens who practiced abstinence who is now a successful and healthy adult living a full, disease-fee, and happy life. I believe in our youth. I believe they have so much more to live for than sex. Abstinence centered education sets the bar high and gives teens something to reach for.
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