Back in the summer of 2006 I found out that I had an outstanding ticket, and, thus, my license was temporarily suspended. All I had to do was pay the fine, fax in the paperwork to the DMV, and stay out of trouble. So, in November 2006, I got a sub for half-a-day, paid the fine, faxed in the paperwork, and have since stayed out of trouble. Then, about a week ago, my insurance agent called and mentioned that my driver's licence was invalid. Upon re-running the numbers, we found out that it was, in fact, true. My only option was to go to the DMV and get this problem figured out.
I went in today, and I found out that, sure enough, my license was invalid. The nice lady at the DMV looked up my info and discovered that my ticket was paid two months late. When that happens, they automatically suspend a person's license (and apparently don't have to notify the person). Had that been my only problem, I would have sucked it up, paid the fine, and gotten on with my life. Sadly, that was not the case. The fax that I sent to let them know I was good-to-go never showed up to the DMV. And I never thought to check up on the situation... As of now, my license has been suspended for over two years. When that happens, a person has to start all over.
What does "start all over" mean, you ask? Well, let me break it down for you:
License Reinstatement: $95.00
Permit/Testing Fee: $14.00
New License Fee: $21.00
Feeling like I'm 15 all over again: Priceless.
I am now excited to get to study that oh-so-fun book, take a written test to get a permit, and take a driving test to get a new license. (Wish me luck. It took me two tries to pass the written portion ten years ago. I'm sure I have only gotten dumber since then.) Plus, I get to pay $130 as icing on the cake. Good stuff... And to add insult to injury, I don't even get to keep my old picture. Nope. I will have to lose the greatest picture in the history of licenses. That's not sarcasm. That's truth. I'm not even kidding. Bummer.
Ok. Pessimistic isn't my usual attitude. Let's try to find a silver lining here. I mean, sure...I was so lucky as to stay out of trouble, not get any more tickets, get found out, and ultimately get sent to jail. I found out about all of this in time and can now get it taken care of. It would just kill me if I had to go to jail...even if for just a few hours... I'm sure Eric and Hawkmoon would have given me good advice as to how to survive, but I'd rather not even go there...
Oh, Mary! I have to tell you that I lived with the fear that I would have to do this for the first two years of my driving life. My driving instructor was such a horrid man, and I would have had to take lessons with him again, so I became the world's most cautious driver. I'm sure you've got enough experience now to make it through, though. :)