Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Thus sayeth the Queen Part II

OK. Part I was written in haste during my lunch break today. That turned out to be a very disappointing blog... Just ignore it, if you can help it... :o)

Actually, a little over a week ago, I was doing a study on Psalm 23 and Sabbath Rest. I was personalizing Psalm 23 as I read through it and considered what it meant. When I was done, I realized how incredible and insightful the Holy Spirit can be to me if I allow Him to be. I guess I just want to share it with whomever wants to read my blog...

Mary's Psalm 23

*** Jesus is my guider, helper, protector, and ruler. I am never in need or worried about being provided for. The Lord commands me and encourages me to take a break, relax, and enjoy the LIFE He has given me. He wants me to rest so He can fill me back up, energize my spirit, cleanse my soul, and keep me close to His heart. Jesus leads, and I follow Him along the ways that are good and correct. He does this because His JUSTICE makes me RIGHTEOUS. He does this to bring Himself GLORY. He does this to show what a great and powerful God He is.

Wherever I go, evil is lurking. Temptation never goes away. The shadow of death is around; but my Shepherd keeps it from me. I don't have to be afraid. His discipline in my life helps me walk the path of righteousness. His Word gives me guidance. I am surrounded by PEACE and well-being. Even when things look bad; people don't like me; and I'm not sure how I'm going to make it through, my Lord sets me up for success.

He provieds. He makes His own Name renoun so that everyone can taste and see that HE IS GOOD! I have no doubt that goodness, love, mercy, peace, grace, and Jesus will be in my life forever. Because I am so filled with these, I will reflect them and show them wherever I go and in whatever I do! The best part of all is that I will get to spend my life in God's will and my ETERNAL life in His very presence!!!! ***

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